In the quiet, seemingly perfect land of suburbia, a businessman named Gardner Lodge (Matt Damon) has everything. A high-flying career, a beautiful home, a wife and a young son, but when his house gets broken into by thugs who kill his wife, he starts to begin to understand the immensity of some of the mistakes he's made in his life. He's being hunted by loan sharks who happen to have connections to the mob, and they intend to get their money back no matter what the costs. When it starts to become clear that everything he has left is at stake, he decides to take matters into his own hands and give those mobsters as good as they give. Soon the neighbourhood transforms into one of the bloodiest in the area, and even his sister Margaret (Julianne Moore) gets dragged into her brother's vengeful scheme.
Directed by the Academy Award winning George Clooney ('The Monuments Men', 'Confessions of a Dangerous Mind'), 'Suburbicon' is a dark crime comedy set in the 1950s. It has been written by Joel Coen and Ethan Coen ('Hail, Caesar!', 'Fargo', 'True Grit'), and it has already been nominated for the Golden Lion award for Best Film in Venice Film Festival. It's set to be released on October 27th 2017.
Starring: Matt Damon, Oscar Isaac, Julianne Moore, Glenn Fleshler, Noah Jupe, Megan Ferguson, Jack Conley, Steve Monroe