In 1979, Pink Floyd released their legendary number one album 'The Wall' and followed with an extraordinary mini tour. The show, curated by Roger Walters, was appropriately resurrected in 1990 - following the monumental fall of the Berlin Wall - as an expression of freedom and unity, and now comes to the big screen for the first time ever for the 25th anniversary. Waters' show in Germany is still the biggest selling solo performance ever recorded, and even now the message behind the set-up is still appropriate to modern day society. Now fans can delve deeper in the world of 'The Wall' with an insight from Waters himself on his inspirations for the songs, plus an in-conversation piece between Waters and Nick Mason entitled The Simple Facts.
You can now watch the trailer for upcoming documentary 'Roger Waters The Wall' as the live music pioneer celebrates his 72nd birthday today (September 7th 2015). The movie, directed by Waters and Sean Evans, features not only live footage from the legendary live show in Berlin, but also interview clips, other background discussion and artistic nuances into the anti-war messages etched throughout 'The Wall'. It will hit cinemas for one night only on September 29th 2015.
Starring: Roger Waters
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