Brothers Sonny and Steven travelled over to New York as humble Chinese immigrants with dreams of a better life in the late 1980s. However, as they struggled to find a path that would lead them to the so-called American Dream, they quickly became involved in the brutal Chinatown gang The Green Dragons, which soon became their only answer to their crippling poverty. Before long, they are in the high ranks of the group and struggling to evade the ever watchful eye of the New York Police Department who a constant threat to their hedonistic and violence-fuelled lifestyle. However, when Sonny embarks on an illicit affair, his brother soon turns on him resulting in a tragic death. Thus, he decides to set out on a vengeance mission against the group of people who transformed him into the lawless killer he has now become.
'Revenge Of The Green Dragons' is an action drama executively produced by Martin Scorsese ('Boardwalk Empire', 'The Wolf of Wall Street', 'Shutter Island'). It has been directed by Andrew Lau ('Infernal Affairs', 'A Beautiful Life', 'Confession of Pain') and Andrew Loo ('It Had to Be You!'), the latter of whom also worked on the screenplay alongside Michael Di Jiacomo ('Somewhere Tonight', 'Castelnuovo', 'Animals with the Tollkeeper'). The movie is scheduled for release in the US on September 11th 2014.
Starring: Justin Chon, Kevin Wu, Harry Shum Jr., Ray Liotta, Jin Auyeung, Shuya Chang, Carl Li, Leonard Wu, Eugenia Yuan, Celia Au, Michael Gregory Fung, Alex Fox, Jon Kit Lee, Geoff Pierson