Set in a fictional 1944, Britain has lost D-Day and the Nazi's are starting to occupy the country. One morning, Sarah Lewis wakes up to find her husband has gone, along with the other males in the tiny Welsh village where she lives. She is alarmed to find a German soldier in her home, who tells her that he will be staying in the village for a week, along with the rest of his patrol.
Sarah finds out from the rest of the women that the men have gone to join the 'Resistance', a covert group dedicated to fighting the Nazis. This leaves Sarah and the women to look after farms and take on the jobs that the men normally would have done.
While the men hide in the forests outside the village and start to plan various ways of overthrowing the German occupation, Sarah starts an unlikely friendship with a German soldier that could be catastrophic if anyone else found out, especially her husband.
Directed by: Amit Gupta
Starring: Andrea Riseborough, Michael Sheen, Kimberley Nixon, Anatole Taubman and Iwan Rheon