Meg and Nick are a seemingly devoted couple who venture to the romantic city of Paris on their thirtieth wedding anniversary in the hope of rekindling old feelings from their honeymoon. They may claim to love each other, but things are far from perfect in their relationship as their routine lifestyles have caused a dramatic rift between them without them even noticing. Their weekend is tainted by frequent arguments, though always warmed by frequent displays of affection and childish exploits. However, when they bump into old American friend who invites them for dinner at his Parisian apartment, they start to feel depressed that their lives are several shades less colourful than his with his gorgeous pregnant wife, success in the city and an impressive book deal. Will this long-devoted couple find peace within themselves to be content with one another? Or will Paris cause them to finally drift apart?
'Le Week-End' is a heart-warming comedy drama about the trials and tribulations of a long marriage. Directed by Roger Michell ('Notting Hill', 'Morning Glory', 'Changing Lanes') and written by Hanif Kureishi ('Venus', 'My Beautiful Laundrette', 'The Mother'), the movie was selected for the 2013 Toronto International Film Festival and will appear in UK cinemas on October 11th 2013.
Starring: Jim Broadbent, Lindsay Duncan, Jeff Goldblum, Olly Alexander, Xavier De Guillebon, Brice Beaugier, Denis Sebbah, Marie-France Alvarez, Lee Breton Michelsen, Charlotte Léo, Sébastien Siroux