A re-boot of the beloved 1980s animated TV series, 'Jem and the Holograms' hits the big screen in a live action adventure directed by Jon M. Chu, who opens up about the concept of the movie with cartoon creator Christy Marx and stars Aubrey Peeples, Hayley Kiyoko and Molly Ringwald.
'The essence of female empowerment and being true to who you are, Jem and the Holograms were the defenders of that idea', says Chu. 'We wanted to do something different but keep that essence.' Aubrey describes the film as a 'prequel' to the Jem we know; 'It's about the rise to fame'.
Starring: Aubrey Peeples, Stefanie Scott, Molly Ringwald, Juliette Lewis, Ryan Guzman, Hayley Kiyoko, Nicholas Braun, Samantha Newark, Aurora Perrineau, Isabella Kai Rice, Britta Phillips, Nathan Moore, Justin Alastair, Barnaby Carpenter