Billy Bates is an enigmatic artist, renowned for his leftfield methods and final pieces. Billy is indeed a three dimensional character, whose reality is a burst of colour-drenched artistic beauty, but at the same time leads an extremely troubled existence.
Presented in a faux-documentary style, the layers of Bates' multifaceted personality is presented to the audience, the origins of his hyper-sensitive mind and colourful soul rooting back to his over nurturing mother and abusive, envious father. The fragmented memories that are presented in the shape of his disturbed childhood through to his late youth, fuelled by underground parties, trips to insane asylums and his eventual rise to fame as a contemporary artist.
The film oversees Billy's life as a love story, not just with female counterparts, but a love story that quests and journeys into transcendence, with the question of just how important it is to know what is real. With direction from Jennifer DeLia, this interesting account into the life of one of the more interesting contemporary artists in recent memory is a barrage of disjointed flashbacks and updates of his life at the time being done in such a way you may be forgiven for thinking the movies is in fact one of Bates' works.
Starring: James Wirt, Josephine de La Baume and Sally Golan
Director: Jennifer DeLia
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