Bad Moms is an American comedy film that stars Mila Kunis as the main protagonist Amy Mitchell who appears to lead the perfect life, she has a good career, over - achieving kids and a lovely home. However all is not as it seems and Amy is at the point of breaking. She is over-worked and finds herself running late to all her appointments. In her quest to free herself from this rut, she joins forces with two other overworked mums to liberate themselves from their daily responsibilities and start living again.
As a consequence of their liberation efforts the trio find themselves in hot water with the head of the PTA, Gwendolyn, and the other band of perfect mums that come with the children's School. This film directed by Jon Lucas and Scott Moore is a feel - good comedy that is sure to make you laugh and deals with the many responsibilities that come with being a parent.
Starring: Mila Kunis, Kristen Bell, Christina Applegate, Kathryn Hahn, Jada Pinkett Smith, Emjay Anthony, Oona Laurence, Annie Mumolo, Kesha, Lilly Singh, Leah McKendrick, Billy Slaughter