Ever since Cameron Monaghan made his debut in 'Gotham' as Jerome Valeska, viewers have been speculating as to his future identity. Thousands instantly thought he was the young version of a man who would one...
As one of the most successful comic book shows on television right now, 'Gotham' has cemented a place for itself on FOX and brought an all-new look at the heroes and villains-in-the-making of Gotham City...
'Gotham' has without a doubt gone through some major transformations throughout its three full seasons and current fourth season to-date. In fact, this season, the idea of evolving and transforming into something new seems to...
'Gotham' has without a doubt only gotten better with time, with the city's origin story delving into the stories of the heroes, villains and everything in-between. Making its return for a fourth season tomorrow night...
There's no doubt in the mind of 'Gotham' fans that the FOX network are confident in the series' ability to really succeed, with three seasons entertaining audiences to-date and a fourth on the horizon. Throughout...
For almost three full seasons now, 'Gotham' has entertained audiences on FOX with its slick style of storytelling, bringing the origin stories of not only Bruce Wayne (David Mazouz), but a roster of iconic DC...
David Mazouz, 12, best known for playing the young lead opposite Kiefer Sutherland in 'Touch' is to play Bruce Wayne in Fox's Batman prequel 'Gotham'. Mazouz will play the iconic comic book character who will...