David Cameron and his E.U. Remain campaign ally Tessa Jowell have awkwardly attempted to re-create the front cover of The Beatles’ Abbey Road as they visited the famous studio – and jokes and puns immediately began to pour in via social media.

The Conservative Prime Minister visited the iconic studios in north-west London on Friday morning in order to praise Britain’s creative industries, on the same day that nearly 300 people from the arts and entertainment world signed a letter urging people to vote for the Remain campaign.

However, after having been given a tour of the studio, normally inaccessible to the public, as well as signing the open book of condolence to Beatles producer George Martin, he and Labour’s Tessa Jowell spontaneously attempted to re-create the famous cover of Abbey Road – and they spectacularly screwed it up. The results can be seen on the PM’s official Twitter account.

There are a number of reasons why it doesn’t work, the most obvious one being that there’s only two of them. Furthermore, Cameron certainly looks a bit uptight in the photo – and Jowell simply completely mis-times her footsteps. Also, when was the last time you ever saw somebody do it properly? Never, that's when.

More: Squeeze change song lyrics to protest against David Cameron live on television

All manner of Beatles puns then poured in – one of the best of which was “Abbey Road Dave? For you it's ‘The End’”, referring to the album’s final track.

“When it comes to creativity, British talent and expertise has made this country the envy of the world,” Cameron said in his speech at the studio ahead of the 23rd June referendum.

“Whether it is music or film, art or video games, the UK leads Europe. More than most, this is a sector that thrives on being open to the world outside.”

More: ‘Doctor Who’ channels The Beatles for Abbey Road photoshoot