The actress, who starred as Princess Leia in the sci-fi franchise, will reprise her role in upcoming movie Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens and she made the comments to the newcomer as she interviewed Daisy for a magazine.

Princess Leia's gold bikini became a phenomenon after Carrie wore the outfit in 1983's Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi, in a scene where her character is Jabba the Hutt's slave.

"You should fight for your outfit," she told Daisy during the chat for Interview magazine. "Don't be a slave like I was."

When Carrie asks her the young actress if she is prepared to become a fantasy figure for millions of Star Wars fans, the 23-year-old Brit replies, "No, they always talk about how you’re (Carrie) a sex symbol, and how do I feel about that. I’m not a sex symbol!"

Carrie adds, "Listen! I am not a sex symbol, so that’s an opinion of someone. I don’t share that."

When the sci-fi veteran asks Daisy if she is ready for the worldwide fame that Star Wars will bring, Daisy answers, "I don’t know if I can prepare for what’s to come because I don’t know what will."

Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens will be released on 18 December (15).