'The Brittany Murphy' story premiered on Lifetime on Saturday night (September 7th) and it was as bad as we’d feared.
Even before it premiered on Saturday night we had some major reservations over Lifetime’s Brittany Murphy biopic. First there was the casting, (Amanda Fuller didn't exactly look the part) and then there was that melodramatic trailer full of words like “targeted,” and “paranoid”. But we also had the feeling that it was just a bit too soon, after all, Murphy only passed away five years ago and her death is still a controversial subjec, basically this movie was never going to be well received.
The Brittany Murphy Story premiered on Saturday September 6th
But Lifetime didn't exactly help themselves. It seems that instead of putting together a realistic and informative film about the actresses life a career, they decided to opt for making a cheap movie which took just 16 days to shoot, but actually looked as if it may have be done in less. Lead actress Amanda Fuller has also repeatedly claimed she only had two days to prepare for the role of Murphy.
More: Brittany Murphy's Dad Angelo Bertolotti Slams Lifetime's "Trashy" Biopic Of Late Daughter
Indeed, many pointed to the film’s representation of Alicia Silverstone in Clueless as a prime example of how little care filmmakers took. Basically the actress appeared to have been given the wrong wig and no help in putting it on.
#brittanymurphy pic.twitter.com/d70dYdQhsT
— Angelo Bertolotti (@BrittMurphyDad) August 29, 2014
Time’s Laura Stampler who wrote an article entitled, ‘We Watch Lifetime’s Horrible Brittany murphy Biopic So You Don't Have To’ said, “The Brittany Murphy Story isn’t guilty of smearing the actress’ memory. Its crime is more insidious: It makes the young, talented actress seem entirely forgettable."
More: Brittany Murphy's Last Ever Film 'Something Wicked' Released Four Years After Death
Murphy's father, Angelo Bertolotti, told The Examiner in August he was "disgusted and outraged that Lifetime decided to produce such a trashy project.” "Frankly, I am amazed at their audacity of calling it "a true story," without conducting any research or consulting with any members of the family," he added. "The Brittany Murphy Story is an affront to everything my daughter was in real life. It's hideous, unauthorised and completely untrue.”
Murphy and husband Simon Monjack
Lifetime is known for its often controversial made for TV biopics. Last year Anna Nicole Smith was the subject of a record breaking biopic, while Aaliyah and Whitney Houston are next in line for the Lifetime treatment, much to the anger of their families.
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