In the latest media-consolidation move, Time Warner announced Tuesday that its Warner Bros. Burbank headquarters will henceforth handle the development of feature films, television, digital media, video games and consumer products related to its DC Comics unit. However, it said, DC's publishing headquarters, home to Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, the Flash, the Green Lantern, and dozens of other DC comic-book characters, will remain in Gotham City, otherwise known as New York. The move was anticipated since last September when Warner created the DC Entertainment division and appointed Diane Nelson, head of Warner Premiere, the direct-to-DVD unit of the studio, to lead it. She has also overseen the Harry Potter franchise. In an interview with today's (Wednesday) New York Times, Nelson acknowledged that the new move will result in a number of layoffs. "Some could argue that it took a year to get to two offices, but we've been undergoing a painstaking process of looking at this business from all angles," she said.
What happens when two superheroes with vastly differing opinions come head to head? Well, not...