Robbie Williams’ baby Theodora Rose, aka Teddy, made her first official Twitter appearance this week. In a picture posted on his micro-blogging page, the bleary eyed Take That star is seen with his baby-daughter nestling in his arms. Aww.
Williams became a father for the first time on Tuesday (September 18, 2012) when his wife Ayda Field gave birth to 7lbs 4oz Theodora, affectionately known as Teddy. In a caption to the picture, the 38-year-old pop superstar told followers, “Daddy's second nappy change ... Teddy's second day on the planet.” The baby was born in London and Robbie has previously explained how he did not want to bring up his daughter in Los Angeles, where he has resided for years, saying, “I don't want to educate our baby in LA because I would much prefer her to have English sensibilities…I want the baby to have an English passport, we're still figuring out exactly whereabouts the baby is going to be brought up…I had a conversation with the wife last night about where we're going to end up, but we still don't know.”
Robbie and his Turkish-American wife have been together for five years, getting married two years ago. The birth of Theodora came just in time, after Williams had wrapped up a series of club-shows at various venues around the UK.