It’s not been the best of weeks for Kim Dotcom, the founder of – as he calls it – the ‘online warehouse’ that is Three days after six major films studios filed lawsuits against the website, three major players in the music industry followed suit – no pun intended.

The lawsuit says that Megaupload, Dotcom and other defendants involved in the litigation "engaged in, actively encouraged, and handsomely profited from massive copyright infringement of music," according to a statement issued by the Recording Industry Association of America, according to Reuters

U.S. attorney, Ira Rothken – defending Megaupload and Dotcom – criticised the lawsuits on Thursday. "The RIAA, MPAA and DOJ are like three blind mice following each other in the pursuit of meritless copyright claims," Rothken said. 

"These cases are an assault on cloud storage technology, as cloud storage is a neutral technology that can be used for both good and bad purposes." Megaupload strongly believes it's going to prevail," Rothken added.

This comes after six major film studios filed suits against Dotcom and his controversial website. Steven Fabrizio, global general counsel of the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) said. 

More: Who is heck is Kim Dotcom?

"Megaupload was built on an incentive system that rewarded users for uploading the most popular content to the site, which was almost always stolen movies, TV shows and other commercial entertainment content.”

The MPAA alleged that Megaupload used to pay users for uploading popular content and as a result was not a storage service, which Dotcom sites in his and the site’s defence.  

"It paid users based on how many times the content was downloaded by others - and didn't pay at all until that infringing content was downloaded 10,000 times. Megaupload wasn't a cloud storage service at all, it was an unlawful hub for mass distribution," Fabrizio added.