Bethany Hamilton

  • 11 April 2011


Sports Personality

Dolphin Tale 2 Trailer

'Dolphin Tale' saw Sawyer Nelson and Dr. Clay Haskett save the life of a beached dolphin named Winter who was so badly injured, she needed a special prosthetic fin fitted in order to survive. She was thus housed in the Clearwater Marine Hospital with a motherly dolphin named Panama. However, following Panama's tragic passing, Winter's future could look very lonely indeed unless the staff at the hospital can find her a new friend to share her life with; an action that is stringently required lest she is moved to another aquarium. That's where Hope comes in; an incredibly tiny dolphin who the Clearwater staff have shipped over to join Winter. The question is, is Winter's heartbreak over Panama's death too much to deal with in spite of new company?

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