Jessica Collins

  • 31 October 2005



Free State Of Jones Trailer

The brutal reality of war is those who often die and put their lives on the line are the ones who reap the smallest of rewards. If you're no longer fighting for your freedom, for some there's no point to continue risking your life. When Newton Knight is faced with the death of a young boy, it's enough for him to begin questioning exactly what and who he is fighting for.

Forced to go on the run Newton helps many folk on the way and also goes on a journey of self-discovery, one that leads him to fight a fight that's really worth dying for. With the help of some slaves, who are also on the run, Newton and the people of Jones County begin to fight back and take back the land from the wealthy and put it in the hands of the people.

Free State of Jones is based on the true story of Newton Knight and it directed by Gary Ross.