John Stamos Relished Spending Time With His Son Amid Lockdown

  • 30 June 2020

John Stamos loved spending time with his son amid the coronavirus lockdown.

The 56-year-old actor - who has Billy, two, with his wife Caitlin McHugh - has revealed he relished the opportunity to spend some quality time at home with his family during the lockdown.

He shared: ''I would have never got this amount of time with my son around these formative years of his [life]. He just wants to laugh and he's doing impressions now!''

The actor has now returned to work, and recently filmed this year's 'A Capitol Fourth' special alongside Vanessa Williams.

However, the annual Independence Day concert was still filmed under strict social distancing guidelines.

Reflecting on the experience, he told 'Entertainment Tonight': ''Vanessa and I were further than six feet apart. It was like [shouting], 'Hey Vanessa ... how you doing ...?'''

Meanwhile, John previously described fatherhood as the ''best part of his life''.

The Hollywood star insisted nothing gives him more joy than spending time with his son.

He said: ''I've done everything three times.

''Kicks keep getting harder to find, and they were harder to find, so that's why they turn to substance abuse - which I did for a little while and straightened out. And it's like, 'What's left?' It's this, and this is the best part of my life.''

John ''would love'' to have another child in the future, but for the time being, he's happy to focus all of his attention on Billy.

He explained: ''We would love to have another one.

''I'm learning there are a lot of messed up people in this world, and it takes so much time and patience that my wife has, and energy and money and kindness and love.

''I want to be able to give as much as I can give to this kid.''