Mark Hamill Wants To Return As "Frightening Force Ghost" In 'Star Wars: Episode IX'

  • 24 March 2018

Mark Hamill has some big plans for Luke Skywalker if he's to make a return to the 'Star Wars' episodic series. When we last saw the character, he was seen to be sacrificing his life in 'The Last Jedi' to save those who could go on and fight the First Order. Whilst many think he'll make a miraculous recovery somehow, it would seem that the Jedi Master truly has been wiped out, taking his leave in a similar vein to that of Yoda and Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Image caption Mark Hamill has some big ideas for Luke Skywalker

Despite that, we have seen some of the most iconic 'Star Wars' characters make a comeback as Force Ghosts. That could serve as a vehicle for Luke to also make his return, and Hamill seems to be on board. He doesn't think Luke should remain cool, calm, and collected presence however.

Speaking with Radio Times, the actor was asked about his possible return, and in response he pitched an intriguing idea: "Well I thought, if he’s a Force Ghost I’d love to see him used in a way that hasn’t been done before. I mean let’s use the word ghost! That implies that it’s frightening. What if he... even in some other form, I think it’d be funny... well, I don’t want to give it away. I do have ideas; most of them are so terrible that they don’t consider them at all! But like I say, I don’t know if I am going to be back."

Bringing in new elements that have never been a part of 'Star Wars' canon in the past is something the directors of the new trilogy of films haven't been shy in doing, so even if Hamill thinks his ideas are "terrible", they may find a way of working their way into the next movie somehow!

We've not got any huge details surrounding the plot of the film just yet, but we imagine it's going to be an action-packed affair that will shake up the 'Star Wars' universe forever. With production set to kick off in July, more information should start to come to fans in the next few weeks, and you can bet we'll be sat perched waiting for it to come in!

More: Rian Johnson Breaks Silence On Planned Fourth 'Star Wars' Trilogy

We'll bring you more news surrounding 'Star Wars: Episode IX' as and when we get it.