Magazines No Longer Working With Terry Richardson Over Misconduct Rumours

  • 24 October 2017

With more and more allegations of sexual assault arising within the entertainment industry, it has been reported that celebrity photographer Terry Richardson has been dropped from working with a variety of major fashion magazines after an article brought to light rumours about his own professional conduct.

Image caption Terry Richardson at New York Fashion Week

One of the most famous fashion photographers in the world has been dropped by Condé Nast International this week according to a leaked email obtained by the Daily Telegraph. The media group publishes a number of publications including Vogue, GQ, Glamour and Vanity Fair, so the new decision will likely have a massive impact on Richardson's career.

There have been rumours for years that the photographer has been sexually exploitative of his models, and though his work has been often controversial, he has always denied accusations that there was any inappropriate behaviour during his shoots.

Nonetheless, within a day of the release of an article in the Sunday Times that questioned his continued involvement within the fashion industry despite the claims of sexual misconduct, Condé Nast apparently sent round an email to the main partners of the company explaining that they were ceasing work with him.

'I am writing to you on an important matter. Condé Nast would like to no longer work with the photographer Terry Richardson. Any shoots that have been commission[ed] or any shoots that have been completed but not yet published, should be killed and substituted with other material', executive vice president and chief operating officer James Woolhouse wrote on Monday morning (October 23rd 2017). 'Please could you confirm that this policy will be actioned in your market effective immediately. Thank you for your support in this matter.'

More: Miley Cyrus talks about her 'Wrecking Ball' video

Richardson's best known work includes his direction of Miley Cyrus' 'Wrecking Ball' video - a shoot which she strongly regrets, though she has not suggested that there was anything untoward about his professional manner.