Benedict Cumberbatch Isn't Against A Female Sherlock Holmes

  • 19 September 2017

The world of acting has always been stacked against women. Fortunately, things seem to be changing as time goes by, as many discovered a little earlier this year when it was revealed 'Broadchurch' star Jodie Whittaker would become the Doctor in the next series of BBC One sci-fi series 'Doctor Who'.

Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman lead the BBC's hit series 'Sherlock'

Traditionally always played by a man, the gender-switch came as a shock to a lot of people, but the majority of the 'Doctor Who' fanbase were excited to hear about the decision; many even thought that it was long overdue.

Now, coming off of that huge announcement, talk has of course turned to which other major TV roles could be gender-switched in the future. One of those is that of detective Sherlock Holmes, who's currently being played by Benedict Cumberbatch in another hit BBC One show.

Variety caught up with Cumberbatch to chat about the possibility of a female Sherlock, to which he replied: "Why not? I don't care. 'Sherlockina' is coming to you soon."

He also spoke about Whittaker's casting in 'Doctor Who': "It’s an alien. Why can’t it be a woman, why can’t it be any gender? It doesn’t matter to me. I don’t speak as someone who has the right as a fan to have an incredibly strong opinion. I just speak as someone who wants to see Jodie Whittaker’s performance as the Doctor. I think she’s an extraordinary actress and we’re lucky, culturally, to have got her to agree to do it, let alone any debate ensuing about whether it’s right or wrong."

The argument from a small minority that the Doctor shouldn't be a woman is often and rightfully batted down with the fact that the Doctor is an alien who has, in lore, embodied both a male and female body.

Bringing a similar argument to a gender-switched Sherlock however may be a little more difficult. Sherlock is simply another human being, so should a female Holmes ever make their debut, they'd likely be a completely different entity to anything we've ever seen so far.

More: Benedict Cumberbatch's Nose Nearly Cost Him 'Sherlock' Role

Whatever the case may be, the future's looking bright for female actors, and that can only be a good thing.