Dozen Native American Actors Walk Off Adam Sandler Film Set

  • 24 April 2015

A dozen Native American actors, as well as a Native cultural advisor, have walked off the set of Adam Sandler's latest movie, The Ridiculous Six. The actors left the set of the satirical western after finding that the script repeatedly insulted native women and elders and grossly misrepresented Apache culture.

Image caption Adam Sandler has yet to comment on the walk-off

Examples included having Native women's names such as Beaver's Breath and No Bra. Another actress was asked to squat and urinate while smoking a peace pipe.

The movie, a spoof of The Magnificent Seven, was written by Sandler and his long-time collaborator Tim Herlihy. It stars Sandler in the lead, alongside Nick Nolte, Steve Buscemi, Dan Akyroyd, Jon Lovitz and Vanilla Ice.

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Among the actors who walked off set were Navajo National tribal members Loren Anthony, also lead singer of the metal band Bloodline.

"There were about a dozen of us who walked off the set," said Anthony, who told India Country Today Media Network that he had initially refused to do the movie before being assured that a cultural consultant had been hired for a tasteful representation of Natives.

"I was asked a long time ago to do some work on this and I wasn't down for it. Then they told me it was going to be a comedy, but it would not be racist. So I agreed to it but on Monday things started getting weird on the set," he said.

Allison Young, a former film student from Dartmouth, was also offended by the stereotypes.

"When I began doing this film, I had an uneasy feeling inside of me and I felt so conflicted," she said. "I talked to a former instructor at Dartmouth and he told me to take this as finally experiencing stereotyping first hand. We talked to the producers about our concerns. They just told us, 'If you guys are so sensitive, you should leave.' I was just standing there and got emotional and teary-eyed. I didn't want to cry but the feeling just came over me. This is supposed to be a comedy that makes you laugh. A film like this should not make someone feel this way."

Neither Adam Sandler nor Happy Madison Productions have commented.

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