Kanye West Addresses New York Fashion Week Creator After Criticizing His New Clothing Line

  • 22 February 2015

During a very busy New York Fashion Week, which began on February 12th, one of the most anticipated clothing lines to be unveiled was none other than Kanye West's new Adidas Original collection.

Image caption West's Adidas Collection was slammed by the NYFW creator

However, one person who was left feeling unimpressed by the rap star's efforts at being a designer was the NYFW creator, Fern Mallis. "I'm kind of over Kanye," she recently told Page Six. "I mean, I'm not a fan of his music, and the attitude and the agenda is not my style."

On Friday (Feb 20th) West finally addressed his harshest critic by taking to Twitter and passionately explaining what his collection actually stands for.

More: Kanye West Explains Inspiration For Adidas Collection And Wanting To Be The Robin Hood Of Fashion

"To Fern Mallis: I just want you to understand that attempting to do clothing has been very difficult and I have encountered countless amounts of bigotry along the way," he wrote. "I have millions of ideas and I represent a new generation just trying to express themselves in a broken world."

"I don't call myself a designer as I was not allowed to go to Saint Martins because I was too famous by the time I realized I wanted to design," the 37-year-old star continued. "Fame is often looked down upon in the design world, so it's actually been something I had to overcome. All we have are our dreams, and you can step on our dreams and ideas all you want, but we won't stop fighting. We want to innovate and we will win someday."

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Before ending the lengthy rant, West even suggested that he and Mallis should meet at a later date to discuss his project further. "If you wanna have a drink with me, book a table at [New York restaurant] Spotted Pig when I'm back in NY," he concluded.