Bafta Boss Blames Studio For Selma's Awards Slump

  • 09 February 2015

Civil rights drama Selma failed to land a single nomination at this year's (15) BAFTA Awards because movie bosses did not organise enough voter screenings, according to the organisation's chief executive.

The movie was left out of the running at the top industry prizegiving in the U.K., and its star, Brit David Oyelowo, failed to land a mention in the Best Actor rundown.

The news sparked speculation Bafta voters had deliberately shunned the movie, but chief executive Amanda Berry is adamant the snub was down to studio bosses who failed to make sure awards voters got to see the film.

Berry tells Sky News, "I'm heartbroken about Selma because the reason it hasn't got any nominations is because people didn't see it. The film wasn't delivered in the States until the end of November, then a print has to be shipped over to the U.K. and then screenings organised... Before the Bafta voting started there were only three screenings of the film and only hundreds of people were reached - there are 6,500 voting members... We absolutely recognise David's a hugely talented British actor so I was personally very disappointed that it was all down to logistics."

Oyelowo and the film's director Ava DuVernay also failed to land Oscar nominations this year (15), and the actor recently blamed the snub on ongoing race issues in Hollywood.

Selma will compete for the Best Picture prize at the Academy Awards later this month (Feb15).