Jennifer Hudson No More: It's JHUD Now And She's Staying Positive

  • 22 September 2014

T minus one day to the release of Jennifer Hudson’s new album and this one will be big. J-Hud collaborated on, well, JHUD with Pharrell Williams, R-Kelly and Timbaland. The soulful singer wants to reveal another, more personal side to herself with this album. In an interview with USA Today, she explained: "I noticed that's what everyone's been calling me. And I want people to get to know me personally as that, as this real girl."

Image caption J-Hud is inspired and ready to take on the music scene once again.

Most of us won’t get to hear the actual music for another day, but Hudson’s latest is described as crisp and rhythmic (which we’ve come to expect from hitmakers Pharrell and Timbaland) with the full, emotive vocals adding another dimension.

So the album sounds great, but J-Hud still faces some rough odds out there. She released her last album in 2011 and the record, I Remember Me, is yet to reach gold status in the US and she hasn't gone top-40 with a single on Billboard's Hot 100 since her self-titled first album.

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Hudson says she’s positive about the new record. In her USA Today interview, she shares that her mother "used to tell me, 'You find the positive in everything.' And that's what I'm trying to teach my son: to make the best of every situation in life."

And with her family life going smoothly, a new album and a tour in the works, there’s a lot to be excited about.