Kim Kardashian's 'racist Trip From Hell' To Austria

  • 30 June 2014

Kim Kardashian has branded her visit to Austria the ''trip from hell''.

The 33-year-old beauty, who is married to rapper Kanye West, was left reeling when a white male reporter donned 'blackface' - the act of sporting dark coloured make-up to portray a black person - and claimed, ''It's me, Kanye!''

Kim and mother Kris Jenner, 58, expressed their outrage over the trip - which occurred in February - in the latest episode of 'Keeping Up with the Kardashians' last night (29.06.14).

The reality star said: ''I can't believe there's this guy is in blackface. I don't get why him or anyone else would find this funny.''

Kim added to her mother: ''This is just a sick joke.''

The brunette beauty also appeared to take offence to an interviewer who referred to Kanye's song with Jay Z, 'N****s in Paris', at the Vienna Ball, claiming: ''Yeah, we're going to dance. We wait for 'N****s in Vienna'.''

Kim commented: ''Did he say what I think he just said?''

An incensed Kris said: ''I get that he's a comedian but clearly, that was incredibly inappropriate. We just need to get the hell out of here.''

Kris later fumed she had ''never been as disrespected as a woman or a human being in my life''.

The mother-of-five - who also had some of her belongings stolen - continued: ''I come to Vienna and everything I had that's valuable is stolen out of my suitcase and this man treats Kim with such disrespect. That's not where we come from, my children are taught to treat people with respect ... I feel like I let my daughter down by allowing her to even experience this nonsense.''

Speaking to her sister Khloe Kardashian, 30, upon their return home, Kim branded the visit the ''trip from hell'', adding: ''It was so racist.''

The star also recalled a harrowing experience on the plane home when a fellow traveller verbally berated her for dating a black man and having a biracial child, 12-month-old daughter North.

Kim recalled: ''[She said] 'She has a sex video with a black guy...' going on and on. And then the pilot had to come out, the captain, everyone ... they're all, 'We're going to call the LAPD the second we land.' Her husband sat on her [and told her], 'Shut the f**k up.' ''