North West's Pint-Sized Coachella B-Day Bash Couldn't Go By Without Controversy

  • 22 June 2014

North West is one lucky kid. For their daughter’s first birthday, Kim Kardashian and Kanye West threw a party just as lavish as one would expect, but the Coachella theme was a pretty cool surprise. Well, technically the theme was Kidchella, but the boho clothing, cool music and mild cultural appropriation were still a staple – and there was a lot of pink as well.

Kim’s Instagram followers may have felt a little inadequate about their own childhood parties, after she posted pictures of a the ferris wheel, bouncy castle and as well as various food stands for lemonade, sno-cones, funnel cake, churros, and cotton candy.

"Kim was holding North a lot of the time, and the party seemed to be geared towards a little bit older kids," an eyewitness reportedly told Us Weekly. "But it was a family party with all ages, and no matter what age they were, they were having a great time. There was so much to do."

The bash was held in Kim’s sister Kourtney’s back yard on Saturday, June 21, and it looked like a huge success. The dresscode: strictly Coachella. Kylie and Kendall Jenner dressed up in a denim dress and poncho and floral print shorts and grey crop top respectively. Khloe meanwhile, went with a Native American headdress, accented by the pink tipi next to her in an Instagram photo.

More: Kim Kardashian Admiths "Motherhood Completely Changed Me" As She Shares Cute Pic Of North West

Image caption If anyone was going to throw a kid-sized Coachella, it had to be the Kardashians.

"Ray of clouds. Chirping of birds. Gurgling of water. Granting desire. One with water. #Kidchella, my first Coachella!!!" she captioned the picture, which Instagram commenters slammed as "disrespectful" to Native American culture. The picture has since been taken down, but a screenshot of it still lives on the Us Weekly website.

Happy (late) birthday to baby North, who turned 1 on June 15.