Kanye West And Jimmy Kimmel To Smoothe Out Their Issues With JKL Interview

  • 09 October 2013

After keeping a relatively low profile following the birth of daughter North, Kanye West is active and working again, most recently with a scheduled appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live tonight, October 9th. But there’s an additional layer to this: it will be the first time the talk show host sits down with the rapper, after West went on a Twitter rampage against him recently.

Image caption West has been quite the family man lately.

Can’t you just feel the tension in the air? For those in need of a brief rundown of the feud, Kanye West recently did an interview with BBC Radio 1. In it, he declared himself the “biggest rock star in the world.” Kimmel, naturally, took the golden parody opportunity and had kids recreate the controversial video, at which point West took to Twitter to pen the following rant.

Jimmy Kimmel is out of line to try and spoof in any way the first piece of honest media in years,” West tweeted in capital letters. “I don’t take it as a joke ... You don’t have scum bags hopping over fences trying to take pictures of your daughter. Jimmy Kimmel, put yourself in my shoes.”

Image caption Hopefully this will be the end of the feud.

And of course, there was the icing on the cake, a tweet in which West compared Kimmel’s comedic prowess to that of ex-girlfriend Sarah Silverman: “SARAH SILVERMAN IS A THOUSAND TIMES FUNNIER THAN YOU AND THE WHOLE WORLD KNOWS IT!!!” He does have a point there (with the paparazzi thing, let’s not get into the Sarah Silverman comments). More importantly though, is this interview a peace offering between the two celebrities? Here’s hoping.