Peter Capaldi Will Stay Scottish As "Trickier & Fiercer" Doctor Who

  • 26 August 2013

Actor Peter Capaldi will become the first identifiably Scottish Timelord when he takes over from current Doc Matt Smith during the eagerly awaited Christmas regeneration episode of Doctor Who. Smith's recently announced successor will be retaining the distinctive Glaswegian tones that helped give his foul mouthed The Thick of It character Malcolm Tucker his distinctive voice.

Does This Mean Peter's Amazing 'Tache Will Stay Too?

During a recent Q&A event in Edinburgh with DW showrunner and writer, Steven Moffat, the issue of the new Doctor's identity were addressed, with Moffat responding to the question of accent. "I'd be very surprised if he didn't," he replied when asked if Capaldi would keep his Scottish tones, reports Blogtor Who.

Capaldi May Be Mixing Elements Of Malcolm Tucker Into The 12th Timelord's Personality.

When David Tennant took over from Christopher Ecclestone in 2005 to become the 10th Doctor, many were surprised that his embodiment of the Timelord would see his native Scottish lilt dropped in favour of a more southern English-sounding voice.

In the latest issue of Doctor Who Magazine, as reported by the BBC's Doctor Who TV, it was revealed that the new Timelord incarnation would be "an older, trickier and fiercer Doctor" than the two previous "youthful and accessible Doctors." Moffat also reasserted that Capaldi would keep his native Scottish accent yet admitted that the 12th Doctor's outfit had only been discussed in the "lightest terms."

Matt Smith, Jenna Louise Coleman & Steven Moffat Gearing Up For The New Series.

The Doctor's assistant Clara's reaction to the new and very different Timelord was also discussed, with Moffat saying "Just as Clara's learning to have a proper old crush on him, suddenly he's Malcolm Tucker!" referring to Capaldi's cranky, profanity-prone The Thick of It character.

"I think the fun story will be - and we have the opportunity here - is this is what regeneration can do to you. He can be very, very different[...]People really love Jenna, so we make the Doctor quite difficult," said Moffat. After comedian Frank Skinner remarked that he was glad that the new Doc was older because it would stop the on screen flirting, Moffat commented sarcastically "Yeah, 'cause older blokes - they just don't ever flirt with girls, do they?"

Jenna-louise Coleman's Clara Will Be Faced With A Completely Different Doctor.

An older, more curmudgeonly Who and the chance for Jenna-Louise Coleman's Clara to experience life with an older man: the new series looks like it's shaping up to be a lot more interesting than the last, all pre-watershed appropriate of course.