Jennifer Esposito Opens Celiac-friendly Cafe

  • 13 March 2013

Actress Jennifer Esposito has opened a restaurant in New York for sufferers of autoimmune disorder celiac disease.

The former Blue Bloods star was diagnosed with the illness in 2009 and has spoken of her determination to publicise the disorder to help her fellow sufferers.

Now she has launched Jennifer's Way Bakery, an eaterie in Manhattan's West Village which will only serve food safe for celiac sufferers to consume, and the actress is determined to be a hands-on owner.

Esposito tells the New York Daily News, "It's gluten-free, dairy-free, soy-free, sugar-free. I go for the purest ingredients, and I'm there baking every day and mopping the floor at night. I even wear a uniform like everyone else... My mission statement is I want to be the celiac standard: When you see my picture on the package you can feel safe."