Girls Aloud Need A 'Miracle'?

  • 14 April 2010

Girls Aloud's main songwriter believes "it will be a small miracle" if the band continues.

Brian Higgins - the producer at the centre of pop producers Xenomania, who have worked with the girl group since their debut single 'Sound of the Underground' and on nearly all of their hits since - believes group has enjoyed an unusually long career for a modern pop act and is unsure if they will work together again.

He told website "If the band continues it will be a small miracle, but then, every album was for me anyway. That's why we put so much into it, because we couldn't believe that they'd come back to us. We never assumed they would, ever.

"I think that the body of work in terms of released songs is 110 or 120 songs now. It is very rare that anyone will do that again, that any group coming from any scene will release five or six albums, because careers just don't last that long."

The girl group - consisting of Cheryl Cole, Nadine Coyle, Nicola Roberts, Sarah Harding and Kimberley Walsh - have been on hiatus over the last year with each of them pursuing different solo projects, including music, acting, fashion and TV.

Earlier this week, Nicola revealed none of the other girls have heard from Nadine - who is presently in the US finishing her debut solo album - for months.

She said: "If I'm really honest, we haven't spoken to Nadine since we did the Coldplay gig at Wembley in September. I talked to the other girls about it no, none of us have heard from her. But there is no feud."