Jorja Fox And Bob Barker Help Launch Animal Cruelty Bill In Washington

  • 03 November 2011

Actress Jorja Fox and beloved U.S. TV star Bob Barker jetted to Washington, D.C. on Wednesday (02Nov11) to show their support for a new animal rights bill.
The pair met with government officials at Capitol Hill to discuss the implementation of the Traveling Exotic Animal Protection Act.
The proposed legislation would ban exotic animals from travelling circuses and exhibitions and restrict the use of creatures such as elephants and bears.
Releasing a statement about her efforts, the Csi: Crime Scene Investigation star says, "Congress has a responsibility to protect the welfare of animals and ensure public safety. A prohibition on the use of exotic and wild animals in traveling circuses is proportionate, responsible, the least expensive solution to this problem, and long overdue. We call on Congress to bring to an end, once and for all, the abuse and suffering."
Former The Price is Right host Barker is also hoping for swift action, adding, "Americans are becoming increasingly aware that circus animals suffer from violent training techniques and severe confinement. Big, wild animals should not be part of the travelling circus and simply put, animal acts in circuses are antiquated and belong in the past, in a time when humans were ignorant about the needs of the other species who share our planet."
The two have been longtime animal advocates - Fox recently backed a bill to ban illegal dog fighting and Barker wrote a letter to Sea World bosses last year (10) urging them to shut down their aquariums.