Breed 77 - Interview

  • 26 May 2004

Breed 77
Breed 77 - Interview It has been a busy year for Gibralter's Breed 77. They have just completed a heavy touring session of the UK, promoting new album Cultura, and set off again soon with a date at the Download Festival, Donington. Here the band talk about about their music, touring and more. Those of you who have not yet been wowed over by Breed 77, read on and those who have, enjoy!

1. Many music lovers feel that you are instilling a much needed dose of integrity into the nu metal genre. How hard has it been to remain true to your ethos and your roots when it has proved lucrative for bands of a similar elk to commercialize their sound?

It is fortunate that our culture and heritage determines the influences of our music. It is great that music lovers like and identify with it - we are not trying to sound commercial or necessariliy metal - we are just doing what we do best and it comes out in a very real manner.

2. Your songs contain more than a tinge of anger. Where does this emanate from ? Who or what makes you angry?

Lots of things make us angry - politics, religion, the music industry, and hypocrites.

3. You have been compared with Puddle of Mudd, Staind and other Nu Metal giants, but somehow you have the edge, and appear less worried about adhering to the commercial sound, what has been the reaction of fans and the music industry to this approach? (I personally enjoy the unique approach as a fan and a reviewer.)

We don't particularly think we sound much like Puddle of Mud or Staind!! We are not worried about being put into a category - what we are concerned about is making our music real and having it represent what we do best.

4. What is on your stereo at the moment? And what are your influences?

Funnily enough the new Muse album - Not metal!

5. You are playing the renowned Download Festival Donington, alongside the likes of Slipknot Metallica, Korn and Slayer. How do you prepare for a festival where the crowd attend to see a wide range of bands, and does this differ to how you prepare for a gig where the crowd come to hear you play? Does the target crowd affect the set you play?

Our aim is to perform like never before - we will play the best show we can in the time allowed. Depending on the time we may edit some tracks or modify the set slightly. One thing is for sure - it's going to fucking rock from the rafters!

6.You have recently played a series of shows across the UK, what were your experiences of playing on British Shores?

The last tour was special because for the first time we really noticed an acceptance of what we do and it was great to see fans coming to gigs from Aberdeen to Poole and everywhere inbetween!!

7. The album boasts many different styles, from the Latin like La Ultima Hora (The Final Hour) to the melodic "The River" and often an hint of anger. How would you describe your overall style?

A blend of Latin Culture with Nu Metal riffs, strong and soaring melodies with a dash of angst!

8. You have had great success in Europe, especially in Spain, Portugal, France and Germany where your album (Cultura, out on Albert Music) has sold thousands of copies. Where is your favourite place to tour and promote, and where do you have the most success with live followings?

Cultura has never been released in Europe. Our original album was released in limited format last year, and we did sell albums in all of the territories mentioned above. We have a solid base there and when the UK breaks, these territories will fall quickly!

9. Do you prefer being in the recording studio or playing live and why?

Live always! Nothing beats the adrenalin of a show and the reaction of the audience - the ultimate for a rock band!

10. What are your plans for the rest of the year regards touring and recording?

Our plans are to smash the UK over and over until we are the biggest band in these shores - then Europe will fall

Katherine Tomlinson

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