Russell Heckles Comedy Duo

  • 28 January 2005

Film-maker [Ken Russell]( was disgusted when English comedy duo [David Walliams]( and [Matt Lucas]( were honoured at Britain's SOUTH BANK SHOW AWARDS last night (27JAN05) - because they mock overweight people.

[The Devils]( director was livid with the LITTLE BRITAIN TV show creators for broadcasting a sketch in which Lucas' weightloss club character MARJORIE DAWES spits on real-life British chat show host [Vanessa Feltz](, who has been fighting a well-publicised battle with her weight.

As Walliams and Lucas approached the stage to receive their Best Comedy award, Russell, 77, shouted, "Get off, you will not get a third series. You can't go spitting in people's faces."

Taken aback, Lucas retorted, "When I grow up, I want to be as red as Ken."

Russell later fumed, "It's disgusting and a cheap gag."

28/01/2005 14:09