Tori Amos Gets Classical

  • 06 May 2011

Tori Amos has gone classical after signing a new deal with music label Deutsche Grammophon.
The Crucify hitmaker will release her first lyric-free album, Night Of Hunters, in September (11).
Announcing her plans to top the world's classical charts on her website, the singer writes, "It's a 21st-century song cycle inspired by classical music themes spanning over 400 years.
"The protagonist is a woman who finds herself in the dying embers of a relationship. In the course of one night she goes through an initiation of sorts that leads her to reinvent herself allowing the listener to follow her on a journey to explore complex musical and emotional subject matter. One of the main themes explored on this album is the hunter and the hunted and how both exist within us."
She also plans to tour the album with shows beginning in Finland on 28 September (11).