Alesha Dixon has urged Boris Johnson to support a wildlife trade ban to help prevent another coronavirus-like crisis.

The 41-year-old star has implored the UK Prime Minister to call for a global wildlife trade ban at the G20 meeting of global leaders in November, saying it would ''help safeguard our future and the planet''.

Alesha explained: ''Bringing an end to the multi-billion-dollar wildlife trade has overwhelming public support and is something global leaders can do to help safeguard our future and the planet.

''This is an opportunity for the world to re-evaluate our relationship with wild animals.

''We need to stop seeing wildlife as a product and start treating wild animals with respect and compassion for a healthier, more positive and sustainable future for all.''

Efforts to introduce a global wildlife trade ban have the backing of 86 percent of Brits, according to research by the Campaign to End Wildlife Trade.

Sonul Badiani-Hamment, from the animal welfare organisation World Animal Protection, thinks the coronavirus pandemic has brought the issue into focus.

She said: ''COVID-19 is a wake-up call for the world - and the case for a global wildlife trade ban has never been more urgent. SARS, Ebola and now COVID-19 are all believed to have passed from wildlife to humans.

''Boris Johnson and the UK government must provide global leadership in this public health and wildlife crisis and call for a wildlife trade ban at the G20 meeting of global leaders in November to help prevent future pandemics.''

Over a quarter of people (26 percent) would feel safer if wildlife trade was banned, according to research.

The Campaign to End Wildlife Trade's study also revealed that 18 percent of people are more concerned about the trade since lockdown.