Golden Suits Release Self-titled Album On 26th August 2013

Golden Suits Release Self-titled Album On 26th August 2013

Golden Suits is Fred Nicolaus' first album recorded on his own - he wrote or co-wrote many of Department Of Eagles' best-known songs (including "No One Does It Like You") - and is a mix of meticulously crafted, ever-so-slightly left of center pop songs. Written and recorded over two years, Nicolaus played almost all instruments on Golden Suits himself, calling upon help where needed from friends including DoE bandmate Daniel Rossen (also of Grizzly Bear), Chris Bear and Chris Taylor (Grizzly Bear), Becca Kauffman and Felicia Douglas (Ava Luna), Kris Nolte and Ian Davis (Mason Jar Music), and Fraser McCullouch (Milagres), who engineered the album.

Golden Suits are also playing  at the Slaughtered Lamb, London, on the 28th August and End of the Road Festival.
