Review of The Zico Chain Album by Zico Chain

The Zico Chain
Album Review

Zico Chain The Zico Chain Album

The Zico Chain appear to have a special machine of their own invention that has the ability to synthesise the key elements of trashy, punky rock and roll from the last 30 years, and produce an amazing sonic formula based on the component parts.

The hard working trio from Brighton manage to combine the sounds of Nirvana, Mudhoney and The Almighty into a fresh proposition that should go some way to blasting the whiney black-fringed emo wannabees right out of the water. Chris Glithero's vocals are American in their delivery, like Cobain at his angriest. The riffs are tight and focussed, with no song clocking in over 3 minutes.

Critics may dismiss this as derivative, but this is Brit Rock'n'Roll at its finest – music to bang your head to!

Richard Edge

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