Shia LaBeouf and Evan Rachel Wood star in The Necessary Death of Charlie Countryman - a dark story of love unfolding between two unlikely people set in the Romanian capital, Bucharest. 

"Love is always the easiest answer, but somehow it's the hardest place to get for some people. I love the contrast of this world, which is filled with violence and hatred and crime, and above all there's love," Wood said to Reuters. 

Director Fredrick Bond decided to plump for Bucharest as it wasn't a backdrop well trodden by film makers. "Charlie has to go through quite a tough journey and a very romantic journey, so I needed a city that had an edge," he said."It's almost this karmic connection, this kindred spirit, this soulmate of some sort, where he looks at her and he immediately falls in love. He's never said a word to her - that really happens. That's how I met my husband," Wood said. "We fell in love immediately, because it was almost meant to be, it was fate."

Charlie Countryman is the feature film debut from Swedish director Bond, who has previously been  an award-winning creator of commercials. Bond said he was eager to work with LaBeouf and Wood, calling them the "most talented young actors of their generation.