The Sally Struthers arrest is a strange one. In case you hadn’t heard, the ‘All in the Family’ actress, 65, was arrested for drunk driving (specifically an OIU, operating under the influence) in Maine, reports
Sally Struthers was reportedly extremely cooperative at the time of her arrest, and as a first time offender, she faces a fairly minimal $500 fine and a 90-day license suspicion. Struthers – who played Gloria in classic 70s sitcom ‘All in the Family’ – posted $160 bail and reportedly has a court date set for December 14, 2012. She has been in the northern U.S. state performing in a production of 9 to 5. A winner of two Emmy Awards, the actress also co-starred as Babette on the CW’s Gilmore Girls though is also known for her ChildFund International ads. Though drunk-driving is clearly a serious offense, Struthers is probably not in as much trouble as Amanda Bynes, who say was spotted driving around Los Angeles – while banned – smoking from what appeared to be a marijuana pipe disguised as a cigarette lighter.
Bynes reportedly went to a spa for three hours before heading to Home Depot, where she was again allegedly spotted smoking from the pipe. It makes Struthers look like a model citizen.