Since the shocking revelation of Jimmy Savile's sordid lifestyle abusing young people, throughout his entire career, there have been hundreds of accusations against him as well as many other celebrities for similar crimes. A senior police officer has revealed that there have been 31 rape charges made against Savile and almost 200 crimes that span the country, reports the Guardian.

Commander Peter Spindler has revealed that 450 people have made allegations against Savile, with a further 139 against other celebrities. "Our officers will continue to investigate allegations made against those who potentially can be brought to justice. More arrests nationally will be forthcoming," he said. "Our response should send a clear warning to anyone today now in a position of power and influence who abuse their status to sexually exploit children and young people: victims will be listened to and robust action taken." He also warned that there will be more arrests to come.

82% of the victims were women, and 80% of those who came forward claimed that the incidents occurred while they were children or adolescents. Arrests have already included Gary Glitter, Freddie Starr, Dave Lee Travis, Wilfred De'Ath and most recently Max Clifford.  

While the enormous number of allegations having been made is tragic, as Spindler said the inquiry has given "a voice to those who had come forward" and "shape[d] future child protection safeguards."