World War Z premiered in New York last night (the London premiere took place on 3rd June). Amongst the stars of the movie were singer Adam Lambert; producers Dede Lambert and David Ellison; actor and film maker Lupita Nyong'o (12 Years A Slave) and child actor Ruby Jerins (Nurse Jackie). Two children who played a role in World War Z, Abigail Hargrove and Fabrizio Zacharee Guido, also attended the premiere. It was a family occasion for Brad Pitt whose father-in-law Jon Voight and his brother-in-law James Haven made an appearance on the red carper.

Pitt stars as Gerry Lane, a UN employee who travels the world attempting to end a zombie apocalypse. He delivers, according to Todd McCarthy of the Hollywood Reporter, a 'capable performance'. 

Initial reviews appear to be favourable with the majority of critics claiming that World War Z has 'reinvented the zombie genre'. Others have criticised the movie for being 'bloodless' and dull. 

The film is based on the 2006 book of the same name written by Max Brooks, who appeared at last night's premiere. The novel was critically acclaimed and the film has received equal praise from the majority of critics despite its resemblance to the novel being 'scant at best' (William Goss, 

World War Z is due out in cinemas in the UK and US on 21st June. 

See more pictures from the World War Z premiere.

Brad PittBrad Pitt who stars as Gerry Lane

Mireille Enos
Mireille Enos who plays Pitt's wife Karen

James Dale Badge
James Dale Badge, starring as Captain Speke

Ruby Jerins
Ruby Jerins

James Haven and Jon Voight
Pitt's brother and father-in-law: James Haven (L), Guest and Jon Voight (R)

Max Brooks
The author of World War Z, Max Brooks