Gwyneth Paltrow was forced to endured ''stinky steak sandwiches'' at a recent book signing.

The actress - a former vegan, who keeps to a mostly vegetarian diet - stole the limelight at New York's East Hampton Library's Authors Night to promote her cookbook 'It's All Good', prompting fellow author Christina Oxenberg to take revenge on her with pungent meat products.

Describing the actress' entry with Coldplay husband Chris Martin and kids Moses and Apple, she wrote on her blog: ''Slowly yet unmistakably a line began to form in front of my section of table. These folks were hushed and reverential and had a particularly earnest and focused demeanour and casting furtive eyes around ... the increasingly urgent question they posed, 'Where is Gwyneth?' ... Then the divinity in question arrived with hubby, children and a couple of massive bodyguards. The worshippers blocked my view of the whole world.''

The author - who was signing copies of her own book, 'Life Is Short' - was left unimpressed by the Gwyneth's fussy security, so left to procure some meaty products from the food stand in an attempt to annoy the star with ''sloppy hamburgers'' and ''stinky steak sandwiches'' .

She wrote: ''Gwyneth's bodyguards blocked my re-entry despite my assurance I was just an author and pointing at my name tag. 'No!' they growled, body blocking me. So I was forced to crawl under the table. And there I sat with my meat products, wafting the excellent smells toward my sleek vegan neighbour.

''She ignored the siren smells of protein. We never did say hello, although I did try to sell my book to her sleek vegan children.''