In its 28th season, that indestructible pillar of reality programming, Survivor, is back with what might be the strangest cast of characters yet. The biggest story to come out of the show so far, before its first episode airs on Sunday, is the inclusion of David Samson, current president of the Miami Marlins Major League Baseball team – in the Brains tribe, no less. One episode into the series, Samson has already walked into his very first PR blunder, with his biography for the show.

Samson lists as his claim to fame getting the government in Miami to "contribute over $350 million to a new baseball park during the recession." Critics called the financing plan a taxpayer rip-off, and a backlash against the deal resulted in the recall of the county mayor. Oh, but it gets better – or worse, depending on your feelings towards Samson. Displaying a complete lack of self awareness, he lists his pet peeves as follows: “Laziness, Entitlement, and those who are not charitable.”

While Samson is a frontrunner for most talked about Survivor contestant so far, the rest of the cast have a lot of potential too. Samson is on the Brains tribe, while former NBA star Cliff Robinson, who spent the majority of his 18-year career playing for the Portland Trail Blazers, joins the Brawn Tribe. The third team, Beauty, includes Morgan McLeod, 21, whose crowning achievement is listed as having been selected for the San Fran 49ers cheerleading squad, while she was still in high school. The cast also includes a professional poker player, horse trainer, nuclear engineer and two police officers. This ought to be good. Survivor premieres Sunday, Feb. 26 at 8/7c on CBS.