Lots of things happened on Thursday night’s episode of Scandal, most of them setting up for the big finale next week. In this recap you get two warnings: it might be hard to keep up and as unual WATCH OUT FOR ALL THE SPOILERS below.

Kerry Washington, Vanity Fair Oscars Party
Kerry Washington's Olivia Pope had some tough choices to make in this episode.

In last night’s episode Rowan Pope joined Jake Ballard and the Gladiators in the search for a bomb, planted somewhere in Washington, while Fitz chilled out/was put under house arrest at the White House, putting him temporarily out of commission.
Elsewhere in the White House, things were taking a much more personal turn. Cooped up and alone, the First Lady is suffering some serious pangs of guilt. The Langston camp finds out that Mellie is trying to have a paternity test taken, but Olivia, being excellent at her job as ever, finds out and shuts down the whole thing. This means that it’s finally confession time for Mellie and she lets slip the secret of Little Jerry’s possible parentage. Liv is left shocked, but promises to find out the truth.

Bellamy Young
The FLOTUS had a crisis of her own to worry about.

The Pope family is ruthless in their search for the bomb.

Click through to the next page for to read the rest of the recap.