In another development to the UKIP ‘calypso song’ furore, a leading charity has stated that it will refuse to accept proceeds from any sales of the single.

Mike Read calypso song
Mike Read's pro-UKIP 'calypso song' has courted a lot of controversy since it was unveiled last week

A spokesperson from the British Red Cross stated that "We will not be able to accept any money from the proceeds of this single. As a neutral organisation, we cannot benefit from something which overtly supports one political party. In addition, the Red Cross has a proud history of helping refugees and asylum seekers who are negatively referred to in the lyrics."

Sung in a mock-Caribbean accent by former Radio 1 DJ Mike Read, the lyrics also praise UKIP’s leader Nigel Farage and attack the immigration policies of Labour and the Tories. Read quickly disassociated himself from the track as much as possible, apologising for “unintentionally causing offence” and asking his record company to withdraw it.

After that, the anti-EU party tried to recover the situation by announcing that its share of the profits would go to the Red Cross Ebola fund. In response to the Red Cross statement, UKIP's chairman Steve Crowther has expressed disbelief at the charity's stance, criticising them for "putting politics over saving people's lives."

More: Ex-Radio 1 DJ Mike Read records song for UKIP

Released on Monday this week, sales figures indicate that the song is on course to be a minor hit when the charts are announced on Sunday afternoon, currently sitting at number 21 in the midweek chart, roughly equivalent to 25,000 downloads.

This news caps off what has been a pretty calamitous piece of PR for UKIP. You can’t just get away with something by hiding behind the “it’s for charity” card. And in any case, regardless of political leaning, the song is undeniably naff, with all the subtlety and sophistication of Liam Gallagher sitting on top of a bright purple rhinoceros. Pop music and politics often go together well - pop music and politicians don't.