California state workers are mobilizing protest demonstrations at theaters throughout the state screening The Expendables on Friday to protest against mandated furloughs ordered by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, who has an uncredited cameo role in the movie. "While state workers are being asked to do their job with less money, he is restoring his movie star status," Jim Zamora, a spokesman for Service Employees International Union Local 1000, told today's (Wednesday) New York Times . "It's another slap in the face." The title of the movie has also given the state workers a rallying cry. "Tell Arnold We're Not Expendable," the SEIU's website declares, followed by "Make Friday the 13th a Day that Arnold Won't Forget." The movie stars an assortment of aging former action stars, headed by Sylvester Stallone, whom Hollywood certainly seems to have regarded as expendable as they have aged.
