The Office star Rainn Wilson (he plays the role of Dwight) has recorded a spoof of Angus T Jones’ recent interview, in which he branded Two and a Half Men (the show he’s paid thousands of dollars to appear in, playing the role of Jake) “filth.” Jones was explaining how he’s found God and how the content of Two and a Half Men doesn’t sit easy with him any longer.

In the interview for Forerunner Chronicles, he pleads with viewers not to watch the show, saying “if you watch Two and a Half Men, please don’t watch Two and a Half Men. I’m on Two and a Half Men and I don’t want to be on it.” In his own send-up of the interview, which doubles as a promo for the new season of the US version of The Office. He begins the skit by looking into the camera and announcing “Dwight from The Office is nothing, ok? The Office is nothing… If you watch The Office, please don’t watch The Office. Because I’m on The Office; it’s filth. Okay? And that filth will rot your brain.” He continues: “Take it from me, who’s on The Office, please don’t watch The Office, Thursday nights at 9 o’clock on NBC. Do not watch this final season; that filth will rot your brain.”

Not only was it a cunning way of promoting the new series, it’s damned hilarious and further proof that Angus T Jones may well have lost the plot. Watch Rainn Wilson’s hilarious Angus T Jones spoof here: