
2013 went out with a bang for console gamers; the next generation was welcomed in the form of the XBOX ONE and the PlayStation 4 while games like GTA V and The Last of Us defined the previous one. But with a less than solid catalogue of games readily available for those next-gen gamers, 2014 has a heavy burden on its shoulders.

WatchdogsIf Watchdogs lives up to the hype, it'll be a fine game indeed

Watch Dogs

But if any game has the potential to lighten that load, it’s Watch Dogs. Dystopian open-world adventures seem to grab gamers’ attentions more than any other genre, and Ubisoft’s upcoming next-gen release has been hyped beyond belief; now it just needs to follow it all up. The game has already been delayed, which is probably a good sign; it means Ubisoft are ready to disappoint fans in the short term to deliver the game they truly want in the long term. We can’t wait to hack traffic lights, steal secrets and jump in and out of other people’s games.


This is Bungie’s first effort since they gave Halo up, which means it has a place on any ‘2014 gaming’ list going, including ours. Taking elements from their seminal franchise – great shooting mechanics, beautiful graphics and theatrical storytelling – Bungie are opening up their work to an open world, multiplayer-centric audience, much like Gearbox’s Borderlands, which has been a huge smash. Definitely one to look out for.

And loads of other games

In truth, there are so many games to mention, we could put out a top 50 Games of 2014 piece (and we still might). With Metal Gear Solid V, Dark Souls 2, Thief, Titanfall, Mariokart 8, Infamous: Second Son, Halo 5, more episodes from The Walking Dead game and plenty more, 2014 - and excuse the tired cliché – really is going to take gaming to a new level.

Next page: Music.